by Anne LaRose
on June 12, 2017

75 years after the first appearance of Wonder Woman in comic book pages, she finally appeared on the big screen on June 1st 2017. The long-awaited movie brought in over $103 million dollars in its first weekend, making it the biggest opening for a female director.
I saw it opening weekend and as I stared at the massive Wonder Woman poster in the theater hallway–a close up of her face, with her arms crossed in front of her–I took note of her v-shaped tiara. It looked eerily similar to Sailor Moon’s signature tiara. It got me thinking–did Wonder Woman influence Sailor Moon? And has Sailor Moon influenced Wonder Woman?
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{ } by Anne LaRose
on June 2, 2017

This article is republished with permission. Guest Author: ThatNerdyBoliviane
There is a reason why we love Michiko to Hatchin at animecomplexium. Michiko Malandro is a rare main lead character who is a brown woman that is not only strong, but is fully capable of showing her vulnerability to those she loves. Before I get into the series review, I think it is important to talk about the creative team that brought this series to womxn of color–whom need to see themselves in more stories that portrays them as complex human beings rather than problematic archetypes. Before achieving world-wide success with Yuri on Ice, director Sayo Yamamoto found work in the anime industry through the legendary anime director Satoshi Kon. Eventually she worked on popular shows such as Samurai Champloo with the famous anime director Shinichiro Watanabe.
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{ } by Anne LaRose
on May 22, 2017

It’s been a month or so since the live action Ghost in the Shell movie starring Scarlett Johnson was released. I’ve read quite a few reviews and reactions so I already had a few questions before I set foot in the theater. I knew I had to see it myself to see how it all played out.
As an action film, it succeeds beautifully. As a meditation on technology and reality, it goes for soothing anxieties rather than exploiting them.
Let me explain.
[Warning: SPOLIERS!]
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{ } by Anne LaRose
on February 10, 2017

Next month, the American adaption of Ghost in the Shell will arrive in theaters. There has been much chatter surrounding the casting of Scarlet Johansson as Major Motoko Kusanagi (I would have prefered Rinko Kikuchi myself.) I expect there will be more to say after its release.
I first saw the 1995 animated film Ghost in the Shell in 2004 when its sequel Ghost in the Shell: Innocence was released. I absolutely loved the original film; I’m a total sucker for philosophical discussions on the nature of reality. However, it’s been over ten years since I first watched it so I figure I better revisit it so I can tell you how this new film has screwed it up.
It turns out that the original Ghost in the Shell has a lot more to say about nationality, race and identity than I expected.
[Warning: Contains Spoilers for the 1995 film]
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{ } by Anne LaRose
on January 30, 2017
On January 21st 2017, people around the world, on all seven continents, protested the inauguration of the 45th president of the United States, President Trump. This protest was called the Women’s March, a march that began organizing just after the election. I had heard about it through Facebook, but I thought it would be a relatively small protest considering it would occur in the middle of winter. However, on the morning of the 21st, as the images started to come in on social media and on the news, it became clear very quickly that this was no ordinary protest. I hastily threw on my Sailor Moon cosplay and off I went to the protest in New York City.
Of course, Sailor Moon is no stranger to activism. And I wasn’t the only one who used Sailor Moon as inspiration!
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{ } by Anne LaRose
on December 31, 2016

I became familiar with Star Wars in the late 1980s. I was born in 1984 and the original trilogy finished in 1983. By the late 1980s, the trilogy would air on tv on lazy Sunday mornings; my Dad would turn it on. At first I thought the movies were boring, but as I got older, I was entranced.
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{ } by Anne LaRose
on October 17, 2016

What is Obscenity? The Story of a Good for Nothing Artist and her Pussy tells the story of vagina artist, Rokudenashiko, who was arrested in 2014 for “distributing obscene materials.” What were the obscene materials? Art made from the artist’s own vagina. The arrest made headlines around the world.
Like many people, I was following this case intently. I thought I knew everything about it. However, upon reading What is Obscenity?, it’s apparent that the media only skimmed the surface. The news left out so many interesting (and depressing) details about what exactly happened.
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{ } by Anne LaRose
on October 7, 2016

In December 2014, Sailor Moon fan extraordinare Chubby Bunny shared photos from her epic art deco Sailor Moon inspired wedding. Like many Moonies around the world, I was absolutely floored by what she pulled off. I started to secretly plot my own Sailor Moon inspired wedding! In February 2015, my wonderful boyfriend proposed and I was off to the races!
[Warning: This post is looooong!]
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{ } by Anne LaRose
on July 29, 2016

This month Shojo Power! celebrated it’s third birthday. This year flew by so fast! It’s been busy for me personally and professionally this year, but there were still Sailor Moon blog posts to be had! Onto the stats!
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{ } by Anne LaRose
on June 24, 2016

Ask and you shall receive! Here’s part 2 of our review of the first season of Sailor Moon. Listen to Vince gush about his love for Sailor Jupiter, find out who Kym’s Queen is and enjoy Vince and Anne argue about who is the prettiest youma!
Featured in this episode:
You can stream the waaaay awesome Sailor Moon fandub I mention in this podcast here:
Episode 45: Part 1 | Part 2
Episode 46: Part 1 | Part 2
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